AIOU BS Economics Solved Assignments 2023 (PDF Download)

Are you looking for AIOU BS Economics solved assignment 2023 Spring & Autumn? Then you are in the right place. Here we provide you AIOU solved BS Economics assignment in pdf format.

AIOU BS Solved Assignments 2023 (PDF Download)

BS Economics Program (4 Years) / BS Economics Program (2.5 Years)
CodeBook NameDownload
6401General Mathematics & StatisticsDownload
6404General ScienceDownload
8593Fundamentals of Money & BankingDownload
9006Literature of Pakistani LanguagesDownload
9301Principles of MicroeconomicsDownload
9302Principles of MacroeconomicsDownload
9309Introduction to Statistics for EconomistsDownload
9311Introduction to Mathematical for EconomistsDownload
9317Issues in Pakistan EconomyDownload
9407English – IDownload
9410Introduction in SociologyDownload

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