Anti-racism in Education

The promotion of anti-racism in education is necessary because racism is a system of hierarchy that needs to be challenged in order for society to move forward. For too long, educators have denied the reality of structural racism and called racism the scourge of modern times. However, the reality is that racism is deeply rooted in the very structure of U.S. society and this is why there are so many school shootings, hate crimes, and all sorts of other issues. Educators must begin the fight against racism from the root and that means challenging the very conditions that produce racism.

Racism in United States

In the United States, there are much more racism and sexism than one might think and this is a very bad trend. Most teachers do not face significant penalties or even consequences for their actions, yet people who marginalize and abuse others based on race and gender remain free to continue their behavior. Teachers and students alike have to come to grips with the reality that racism has become deeply embedded in our society and that this has to be tackled and erased. If educators are going to truly promote anti-racism in education, they have to understand that the problem begins with themselves.

Many educators mistakenly believe that anti-racism in education is a political concept. This is far from the truth. Teaching across the curriculum without considering an individual’s experience is just as problematic as leaving some subjects out of the class entirely. Rather, it’s about approaching each subject with an understanding that each individual comes with their own set of circumstances and that they must be respected within those circumstances.

It is also important for educators to be aware that there are individuals who benefit from being racists. These are individuals who may not be experiencing systematic racism but who do not see themselves as victims. Because they view themselves as a victim, they are not going to have the same emotional reaction as an individual who has endured structural or social racism. Teachers also need to understand that the anti-racism they are teaching is not based on the color of their skin but on their behavior.

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Educators must be prepared to deal with anti-racism in education if they want to ensure that all students feel safe and learn properly. In order for anti-racism to be effective, it must be understood by teachers and their students that the root causes of anti-racism lie in behaviors and attitudes. Teachers cannot assume that each particular individual is in control of how he or she acts. Every individual is affected by his or her environment. Anti-racism in education should begin at home.

Impact of racism and Anti-rasim

The impact of racism in American society today has gone beyond just the classrooms. Social media has allowed for a swift and anonymous sharing of messages and images that can cause deep hurt and fear. Effective anti-racism in education programs must address issues of cultural Appropriateness and micro aggressiveness.

Effective anti-Racist Programs teach children about the history of anti-racism and the ways that it can be beneficial to treat others better than how they have been treated. Anti-Racist Education also teaches children about pride and inclusion. Students learn to value differences instead of seeing them as a source of division. Teacher learn how to respect differences. Students are taught that true love is more important than differences.

Teachers learn how to speak truthfully to their students regardless of their ethnicity. The anti-racism in education curriculum should teach children to think critically. They should also be taught that true leaders take action, while those who only wish for things to be certain to fail.

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